The structural properties of cork give it several benefits for California construction projects:

  • Lightness

 Cork has low density levels of 0.12 and 0.24 quarts per pound, thanks to its 88% volume of air.

  • Elasticity

 Even if cork is damaged, it will recover its original volume.

  • High Friction Coefficient

Cork has mini-suction cups along the bottom to help it adhere securely. The cups keep it in place so that it doesn’t slide.

  • High Impermeability

Vapors escape cork via the plasmodesmos, but liquid and gases are generally unable to penetrate the surface.

  • Fire Retardant

 Cork does not propagate flames or produce incandescent particles.

  • Absorbs Impacts

 If something makes contact with cork, the force is dispersed, thus reducing the potential for damage.

  • Regression Coefficient

Even if it is stretched in one direction, cork will not become deformed in the perpendicular direction. This also means that it will mold itself to any material to which it is applied.

  • Ease of Use

Modifying the water content of the cork facilitates its management to become more elastic, and soft.

  • Low Water Content

 Pests and microorganisms can’t invade and reproduce in cork, thanks to its 6% moisture balance with the environment.

  • Thermal Insulation

 Cork’s job in nature is to protect the inner workings of the tree. Because of the low water content, lack of conductivity, and alveolar structure, cork provides 30 times more thermal insulation than concrete. ctivity of its compounds.

  • Acoustic Insulation

Cork reduces noise levels by 8 and 12 decibels when it is on one surface and even more when it’s on multiple surfaces.

  • Non-Toxic

 Cork is non-toxic and has a long track record of safety.

  • Balance with Nature

 Cork is removed when a tree is 40 years of age and then once every 9 years. This extends the life of a tree to 200 years or more.

  • Habitat

 Cork trees provide protection to a variety of flora and fauna in nature.

  • Environmental Improvement

When the bark is removed from a cork tree, it releases oxygen, which supports a healthy environment.

  • Ecological Sustainability

The process of extracting, manufacturing, and applying the cork material is done without any environmental impact.

Cork can provide the eco-friendly solution that your California clients are looking for with superior insulation qualities.

Cellular Structure of Cork

Heat resistant product demonstration video

Plant cells do not have thick walls like animal cells do or the joints associated with animal tissue. Cork cells are interconnected by tubes and other plasmodesmos that penetrate the walls. This facilitates the free exchange of air molecules.

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